How do i open windows files?

Forum: Apps
Topic: How do i open windows files?
started by: Elsterap

Posted by Elsterap on Dec. 06 2005,22:49
I want to open some music files on my c:   how do i get to it?
I also want to open a game i have on my c:  i have lost my cd so cannopt install it on linux, how can i get to it and will it open in dsl?

Also where can i download linux files from?

Posted by bonarez on Dec. 09 2005,13:06
I want to open some music files on my c:   how do i get to it?

type mount to see the mounted filesystems, and check if your hdd isn't already mounted.

if not, you can mount it like this:
first you'll have to find out what filesystem your windows is using. If you run win9x/me that will be fat16 or fat32. if you're running XP/2K the filesystem will probably be ntfs. for fat choose vfat for ntfs choose ntfs

You will have to know where the filesystem is located
if you're running a bootable cd and windows was installed it will probably be /dev/hda1

the folder where to mount it to will exist already, but I'm not sure (i'm running a hdd install) it will be at /home/dsl/mnt/hda1. you will need to check if it exists. make one if you dont have it

you can mount the filesystem with the mount command > do this as root
mount -t 'filetype' 'location' 'folderwheretomount'

now that should looke like this

mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /home/dsl/mnt/hda1

type mount --help for more info on mount
type man mount for even more info on mount

I doubt you'll be albe to play your windows games. but music shouldn't be a problem

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