The Very Basics of Downloading in DSL 2.0

Forum: Apps
Topic: The Very Basics of Downloading in DSL 2.0
started by: JOKER_JOKER

Posted by JOKER_JOKER on Dec. 06 2005,23:04
I have DSL 2.0 installed on my USB drive (take note:  I have NO knowledge of linux whatsoever). Now I want to start downloading some exe's.  I made a Downloads folder in the sda2 partition.  I decided to download the linux version of limewire (not for anything illegal :;): ), which has a .rpm extension.  When I go to Emelfm and find it, I right clicked it and clicked install.  Then the password prompt comes up.  What do I do after that?  Can you guys help me out?  If I manage to install it, will it always shows up when I boot linux?
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