Emelfm - free spaceon a drive?

Forum: Apps
Topic: Emelfm - free spaceon a drive?
started by: dsquared

Posted by dsquared on Dec. 08 2005,04:29
I am trying to sort emelfm out. Is there a way to see the free space available on any of the mounted disks - be they hda or sda in emelfm?
Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 08 2005,05:07
You can use the 'df' button to see the space on all mounted filesystems.
Posted by dmizzel on Dec. 12 2005,08:23
or type on the bottom line:

df -h

that will give you the same read out,  but in gigabytes and megabytes. As I understand it -h stands for 'human' (or at least that's how I remember to use it)

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