MSN Messangere Clone for this release

Forum: Apps
Topic: MSN Messangere Clone for this release
started by: rignoffo

Posted by rignoffo on Dec. 08 2005,20:15
Hi at all,
damn small linux is my first linux !
I' d like to install a MSN clone, what can i download ? How can i install it ?
I never installed an application on linux !

Thank you very much !

Bye :)  :)

Posted by Twiggy on Dec. 12 2005,12:26
I am new to DSL also, but i have succeeded in installing an MSN clone called aMSN. If you go to myDSL panel on your desktop and click on UCI a panel will come up with downloadable packages, click on the one which has aMSN in the name, i believe it to be the 2nd one down. After this has downloaded there should be an MSN icon on the desktop, click this and you're away!

Posted by diy bob on Dec. 22 2005,23:18
new person here does it have to be a certain msn messenger or can it be any of the versions.

Posted by MethodOne on Dec. 23 2005,01:02
In the < myDSL repository >, there is an MSN clone called aMSN.  Download < tcltk-8.4.uci > and < amsn-0.94.uci >.  Load tcltk and then amsn by browsing for the file using emelfm and clicking myDSL.
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