DSL Apps and their Windoes Equivalents

Forum: Apps
Topic: DSL Apps and their Windoes Equivalents
started by: dsquared

Posted by dsquared on Dec. 09 2005,02:43
For those of you that are new to linux and DSL - Here is a list of DSL App's & their Windows Equivalent:
Function                     Windows Client                            DSL Client

Web Browser              Internet Exporer                            Firefox & Dillo
Email                          Outlook Express                            Slypheed
File Manager               Windows Explorer                           Emelfm
Command Entry           Command Prompt                         ATerminal
Word Processor           MS Word                                      Beaver & FL Writer
Spreadsheet               MS Excel                                      Siag
FTP                           Bulletproof                                    axyFTP
PDF Viewer                Adobe Acrobat                              XPDF
MP3 Player                 Winamp                                       XMMS
System Config             Control Panel                                DSL Panel
Instant Messages          Messenger                                    NIRC, AIM & ICQ

The above are installed in the base version of DSL 2.0 - if you want additional apps you will have to download (d/l) and install them  (a seperate topic).

Function                     Windows Client                            DSL Client

Gnutella Client             Limewire                                      Limewire (Net)
Hard Drive Tool           Partition magic                             Qtparted (GTK2)
Image Editor                Photoshop                                GIMP (Apps)
Windows Messenger   Messenger                                   GAIM (GTK2)
CD Burner                     Nero                                       GToaster (Multimedia)

There are more  - if you think them important - post them. There are also other clients available to d/l so that if you don't like Firefox or Dillo you can d/l Opera(Net) or if you want a full office suite (including presentations) d/l open office (apps) - there is more than one way to use DSL....

Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 09 2005,14:43
And for DSL 2.1 RC1:

Text Editor            Notepad          Beaver
Software IDE           Visual Studio   Beaver
Word Processor        Wordpad         TED
Terminal Emulator    Hyperterminal  Microcom
Calculator                Calc                XCalc
Simple Image Editor  Paint              XPaint

instead of FLwriter, Beaver as the Word Processor

For external stuff:

CD Burner          Nero                         K3B
Theme editor      Desktop Properties    Whitebox
Sound Editor       Sound Recorder        Audacity
Office Suite         Microsoft Office         Open Office
BASIC interpreter Visual Basic             Gambas
Palm Pilot            Palm Desktop           JPilot
CAD software       AutoCAD LT             QCAD
Financial Tracker   Quciken                  gnuCash GTK2
iPod                    iTunes                     gtkPod GTK2
3D Animation      Get another OS        Blender
Media Player        Win Media Player      Mplayer
Webpage Editor   Frontpage                Bluefish
Free new programs   Get another OS    Synaptic
Task Viewer         Task Manager           GPS
Firewall                Windows Firewall     IPTables

Posted by Phinger on Dec. 09 2005,21:30
Nice, thanks.
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