what is system monitor on upper-right flux window?

Forum: Apps
Topic: what is system monitor on upper-right flux window?
started by: sidewalking

Posted by sidewalking on Dec. 12 2005,12:19
Hi all,

I am trying to figure out what the transparent system monitor app that is on the default flux desktop window (upper-right corner).  Probably a dumb question.

It says:

Code Sample
Damn Small Linux Version 2.1

box - Linux 2.4.31 on i686

Uptime 46min 12s
RAM Usage...(etc.)

I looked at the running system processes but can't tell.



Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 12 2005,16:12
TyopoytaORvelo System MOnitor (Torsmo)
< http://torsmo.sourceforge.net/ >

Posted by sidewalking on Dec. 12 2005,18:10
Quote (mikshaw @ Dec. 12 2005,11:12)
TyopoytaORvelo System MOnitor (Torsmo)
< http://torsmo.sourceforge.net/ >

Sweet!  Thanks a lot!


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