CD Burner App

Forum: Apps
Topic: CD Burner App
started by: Ray2047

Posted by Ray2047 on Dec. 15 2005,00:35
I have DSL installed on my hard drive. I'm trying to burn an ISO I downloaded. I have tried to figure out how to use the included CD Burner but just can't figure it out. Do you double click functions? Tried that. Do you highlight function and click Enter? Tried that.

How do you get files in it. I see the add file box but how? If drag and drop how do you get to the file to drag it? Is there a tutorial you can point me to or an easier to use one I can install you can point me to. (Not even sure of it's name so I couldn't Google it before posting.)

Slightly off issue but when I downloaded the file to desktop using Firefox it doesn't actually show on desktop hence the how to drag and drop question if indeed that is how you add files. I did find it using Find.

Please assume newbie when answering. Thanks in Advance.

Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 15 2005,02:57
cdw is a console frontend for cdparanoia/mkisofs.  This means that there is no drag-and-drop.  I've never used it, and the man page says nothing about how to use it, so i can only say that most features are probably accessed via the keyboard...arrows and tab to navigate, and enter to activate. spacebar most likely toggles selections.

You might try googling  "man cdrecord", or try the gcombust mydsl extension if the curses applications don't do it for you.

Posted by Ray2047 on Dec. 15 2005,04:16
Thanks. I will try your suggestions.
Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 15 2005,17:31
gcombust is a very small download and it works great.

For cdw, you need to do two things:

(1) Enter your cd burner drive's address into the cdw setup page.

Before starting cdw, open a terminal window and type:

cdrecord -scanbus


cdrecord -scanbus | more

to learn the address.

(2) To burn an iso, you can replace the image file location, which is normally some file in the "/tmp" directory, with the location of your ISO file, IE:


Then create cd or burn cd whatever the command is on the screen.

Posted by jls legalize on Dec. 15 2005,17:38
try < nerolinux >
Posted by Ray2047 on Dec. 16 2005,00:44
Thanks for both replies. So  far Gcombust is a bust. <G> I have dependencies conflicts. I have a guess I may have caused that when I changed from "old stable main" to "testing main" in a failed attempt to install KDE. May just try Nero Linux rather the sort out the dependencies. To tired tonight though. Will post back probably with more questions. Thanks all.
Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 17 2005,04:24
Instead of apt-get gcombust, just get it from the MyDSL repository.
Posted by humpty on Dec. 20 2005,01:34
some more cdrecord front ends found here;

< >

Posted by Ray2047 on Dec. 20 2005,03:15
Thanks all. For now I have moved on. My problem that started this was my attempts to install various flavors of Linux burned on my Windows box. They usually booted but failed along the way. I figured if I burned them on my Linux box and ran the CD on the same CD drive it might solve the problem. It is a credit to DSL that I never had this problem. Disks of DSL burned on my Windows box burner always worked on the Linux box without fail.

Finally got KDE to work in Debian so have put trying other flavors of Linux on hold for a bit while test driving Sarg.

Thanks all for your replies. I may well use them whatever flavor of Linux I finally replace Windows with.

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