
Forum: Apps
Topic: Java1-5
started by: PilotEd

Posted by PilotEd on Dec. 15 2005,06:09
I'm having trouble with the JRE_1_5 package (downloaded from DSL Extension as user dsl).  I downloaded to /tmp and found a file noload there.  The contents of noload are Download or Checksum error.  I ran md5sum manually and it check's out ok.

How can I debug this?  Can I run the scripts manually to see what's going on?

I've performed a HD install and am running from the HD.

Thanks in advance...

Posted by doobit on Dec. 15 2005,13:42
When you are using a HD install it's probably better to use apt-get or just download from to install a java package. Follow the installation instructions from the java site for Debian installations. That way all of the files will end up in the correct directories and you will have the appropriate simlinks to the files.
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