k3b not working

Forum: Apps
Topic: k3b not working
started by: mustang335

Posted by mustang335 on Dec. 16 2005,12:15
I hope this is the right place to post this. If not ,forgive me I know not what I do. K3b works in dsl 1.4  it does not work in 2.0 or any of the rc's dcopserver not found Since I used both the online repository to download and a stored version of k3b and they worked on 1.4 then I assumed something changed within the operating system to create this problem. I mention3ed this in release section I was told quite curtly this is a k3b problem and not a dsl DON"T POST HERE. Since dsl is the core and all of the programs are its accessories, what does one post in rc area. I enjoy this operating system but don't enjoy getting chewed out. Maybe the moral superiority. of being in charge is going to people's heads. I expect at least a modicum of respect. as a 54 yr old combat vietnam vet I am not used to such attitudes and do not tolerate them. If you have a problem deal with it . Don't throw the garbage to me. Slax has a k3b that works and a 2.6 kernal to boot. I do believe I will throw my efforts to help in that direction and you can have your OP.  MY state of mind does not let me tolerate abuse. civility is not only nice it is required by me. Marty Young . Now hows that for an attitude. All I wanted was a working k3b.
Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 17 2005,05:25
Speaking for myself only and not for anyone else,
I am sorry that you have been offended by the curtness of the reply to your post and suggestion to post in another area of the forum.

I suspect that the reply was an expression of frustration by the poster and not intended to chew you out specifically. It should have been directed at some other people who repeatedly cross-post or post stuff to the wrong area.

On a related subject:

Does anyone else besides me think that 33 forum areas are just a teeny-weenie little bit of overkill?

I have a 1024x768 desktop and I gotta press "Page Down" 5 times just to see the bottom of the Board main page.

With this many subject areas, it is no wonder that there are so many "wrong area" posts out there and moderators need to  spend too much time and energy playing "forum cop" than is really needed.

Cross-posters should definitely be reminded of forum rules but I really can't blame people for posting "DSL2.1RC + K3B doesn't work" messages in the Release Candidate area.

Forced to choose, I would have guessed the same way as this guy.

Just my $0.02

Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 17 2005,05:59
I can't say whether or not i agree.  All I know is that anything related to k3b is either completely unrelated to DSL, or related only to the k3b mydsl extension.  Either way, this is not the place to post.
Posted by roberts on Dec. 17 2005,06:48
I think it is very important to distinquish between DSL the distro and the Community Area of contributions know collectively as the MyDSL Extension Repository. When problems arise many times if has nothing to do with the base DSL the distro.

Many times, it will take the person who created the extension to answer the question. I know as a developer of the main line distro, that I cannot possibly be expected to know or understand what the extension maker has experienced.

Secondly, I believe it gives a false impression of what is in the main DSL distro. Wow, 50MB and it has CUPS, ALSA, OpenOffice, etc, etc. No. it does not.

If you download an extension and have a question it should be farily obvious that it is an extension. There is a place to discuss these and  should make it easier of the extension builder as well as the devlopers of DSL to zero in on helping the users. With so many messages now being posted the less time searching for those who can help the better.

Simply rule, if you download from the extension library, then have questions post the question in the mydsl extension area. If all users follow this simply rule they will be better and more quickly served by those who might be able to answer their questions.

Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 17 2005,06:55
Right or wrong, here would have been my thinking:

1) K3b works with DSL 1.5
2) Exact same k3b file doesn't work with DSL2.x release candidate.
3) Therefore, the problem must be with DSL2.xRC and not the k3b program.

Now, you and I both know that this is an oversimplified way of describing the situation, but it passes the "It makes sense to me" test.  So I can see why someone else would have gone down that path, even if the correct procedure would be to post in the mydsl forum area.

EDIT: This was a reply to mikshaw.  Hadn't read roberts post yet.

Posted by mikshaw on Dec. 17 2005,08:11
Quote (cbagger01 @ Dec. 17 2005,01:55)
1) K3b works with DSL 1.5
2) Exact same k3b file doesn't work with DSL2.x release candidate.
3) Therefore, the problem must be with DSL2.xRC and not the k3b program

EDIT: This was a reply to mikshaw.  Hadn't read roberts post yet.

Any way you look at it, it has nothing to do with DSL development.  It worked in DSL 1.5...that's good.  It doesn't work in DSL 2.x...that means that the package needs to be modified to work in 2.x..it doesn't mean that there is a problem with DSL 2.x because DSL is not being built to support k3b.

Posted by roberts on Dec. 17 2005,14:55
mikshaw is correct in his analysis.

Here is another analogy. DSL 2.x has new kernel and new modules and a slightly difference collection thereof. It is in fact a different system than DSL 1.x.

The MyDSL extensions can be thought of as third party supplied programs. Lets say the user a has such a "third party program",  and  that it runs well in Windows98 and the third party program does not run on WindowsXP.  Should the user complainn to Microsoft or the thrid party? What do you think MS would tell the user?  It is obvious that the third party should take a look at the problem.

For a specific example alsa.debs doesn't work in 2.0. Is that a problem with 2.0. No. It is because DSL 2.x is a different system

John, has setup just such a sub-board for the community. Where "third party" contributions can be posted, tested, discussed, and users and makers can zero in on helping grow and support each other.

Posted by subarus on Jan. 02 2006,06:22
Quote (mustang335 @ Dec. 16 2005,07:15)
I hope this is the right place to post this. If not ,forgive me I know not what I do. K3b works in dsl 1.4  it does not work in 2.0 or any of the rc's dcopserver not found Since I used both the online repository to download and a stored version of k3b and they worked on 1.4 then I assumed something changed within the operating system to create this problem. I mention3ed this in release section I was told quite curtly this is a k3b problem and not a dsl DON"T POST HERE. Since dsl is the core and all of the programs are its accessories, what does one post in rc area. I enjoy this operating system but don't enjoy getting chewed out. Maybe the moral superiority. of being in charge is going to people's heads. I expect at least a modicum of respect. as a 54 yr old combat vietnam vet I am not used to such attitudes and do not tolerate them. If you have a problem deal with it . Don't throw the garbage to me. Slax has a k3b that works and a 2.6 kernal to boot. I do believe I will throw my efforts to help in that direction and you can have your OP.  MY state of mind does not let me tolerate abuse. civility is not only nice it is required by me. Marty Young . Now hows that for an attitude. All I wanted was a working k3b.

My vote is let's delay the release of the working k3b.dsl until this guy is converted to Slax..

After all these years, people who cannot live without DSL cannot live without DSL. I went back to Knoppix, Auditor, Knoppix-std and other livecd but reverted back to DSL.

How can we oblige him the way he behaved, even if he paid for his copy?

I should add that CDW which is included in base DSL works fine for erase, write data, write image. Probably most of us already know that.

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