/bin/mknod missing

Forum: Apps
Topic: /bin/mknod missing
started by: Bevan

Posted by Bevan on Dec. 18 2005,02:29
Hi there,
I've got a problem with my DSL... I would like to install lirc, so that I can controll xmms with my pinnacle IR.
I did "configure" and "make" without any problems, after I installed gcc. But when I try to do "make install", lirc cannot finish it's installation because of a missing file named mknod:
"/bin/sh: line1: /bin/mknod: No such file or directory"
Is there any way to install mknod? Or is there an other way to install lirc without mknod?
Would be nice, if somebody could help me  :)

Posted by clacker on Dec. 18 2005,14:02
I believe mknod is in the gnu-utils.dsl extension.
Posted by Bevan on Dec. 18 2005,23:00
Yeah, everything runs fine now :-)
Thanks a lot!

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