A couple of problems with apps

Forum: Apps
Topic: A couple of problems with apps
started by: Edward The Bonobo

Posted by Edward The Bonobo on Dec. 22 2005,08:44
I'm a linux newbie, not a techie, just run DSL (after a few hurdles).  I've two apps problems so far:

1) Emelfm:  Can see one of my hard drives, my floppy, my card reader, under 'mnt/'  (what is?)...but not my other, larger HD.  Is it significant that the missing one is my Windows boot, with jumpers set to Master?

2) XMM$ - plays back .mp3s...but without audio...somewhat defeating the point.

Any ideas?

Posted by doobit on Dec. 22 2005,14:55
DSL can read NTFS drives, but not write to them. Even to read them, they must be mounted. If you you are using DSL-2.0 or older, with the Slit mount app, then you use the little arrow to select your HDD and then click on the little srew-shaped thing and it will turn red, then green indicating the drive is mounted, You can also use EmelFM by right clicking on the drive in /mnt and selecting "mount". OR, you can open a terminal and type sudo su
mount /mnt/hdawhatever-your-drive-letter-is.
There are a few reasons why your audio is not working. You might not have the drivers loaded, you might not have speakers connected, the volume might be turned down, the output may not be routed to your speakers, or headphones, or whatever you are listening on, etc. You need to do a little investigating to find out.

Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 27 2005,17:36
If you are using DSL 2.1RC1 or newer, boot with the

dsl sata


Maybe your "Windows" hard drive is a SATA hard drive.  This is even more likely if it is a newer computer made in the last year or so.

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