Open Office and DSL

Forum: Apps
Topic: Open Office and DSL
started by: dtf

Posted by dtf on Dec. 27 2005,13:30
I notice that the OpenOffice extension contain a warning about the RAM required to run the appleication (384M I believe).  I decided to experiment a little so I loaded it on an older desktop.

400M processor
~318M Ram
512+ swap
DSL v2.0

I really like what OO provides and in the little experiments I did there was no problems.  Should I still be concerned about the RAM requirement?

Do you think I can load OpenOffice into a laptop with the following

700M processor
256M RAM
512+ swap
DSL v1.5


Posted by roberts on Dec. 27 2005,16:03
Let us know your results.
Maybe we can update the info file.

Posted by Guest on Dec. 27 2005,22:08
I am interested in the same thing. I want to run OO and DSL on a laptop with 256MB Ram.
Posted by dtf on Dec. 28 2005,17:38
OpenOffice 1.1 seems to fine on both computers but I have not used it exstensively.  I have read in a couple of medium size word documents and that works without any problems. I can edit, write, change foreground colors.

I configured my boot partition with 100MB and Open Office is quite large so I was not able to store in the /cdrom/optional directory.  I put it in my user partition which has lots of space and link to it from the /cdrom/optional directory.  This seems to work well in 2.0.  The system boots without installing the application but if I want it, I just click on the optional link and the application is installed (it takes a minute or two on my computers).  I also need to copy the psprint.conf file, which is configured to my network printer, to  /opt/openoffice/share/psprint/psprint so it uses my printer as the default printer.

Anyway it seems to work fine so far.  Except for the installation the performance is good and the installation is not that bad but I prefer leaving it out of the boot sequence.

Desktop Computer: Processor 400MHZ RAM 318MB SWAP 512+MB DSL 2.0 OpenOffice 1.1

LapTop: Processor 700MHZ RAM 256MB SWAP 512MB DSL 1.5 OpenOffice 1.1

Posted by El Chupey on Jan. 28 2006,22:58
i use OO as well ...and install at every boot...but i cant figure out what i have to backup/save so my settings stay the same? any help>?
Posted by I went to bed very late on Jan. 31 2006,10:39
no problems on Cx/IBM 166+ and 64 MB EDO.
I'm running the 2.0 uci version.

Thanks for the package. runs well

Posted by torp on Jan. 31 2006,14:40
I use Oo on my 400mghz laptop with 192mg of memory. I use the 2.0 .uci version. Have had absolutley no problems. Works much better and faster than the Oo version that comes with knoppix 4.02.


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