SSL support in links and wget

Forum: Apps
Topic: SSL support in links and wget
started by: pr0f3550r

Posted by pr0f3550r on Dec. 27 2005,19:31
Hi folks,

ssl is there in Firefox and DIllo, but when I type
$ links < >

or other https site, I get:

Bad URL Syntax

Is this a bug in links' compilation or is ssl not compiled at all?

Then, I have the same problem for wget.

Any help appreciated

Posted by Grim on Jan. 12 2006,03:06
Code Sample
wget sudo dpkg -i links-hacked_030709-1_i386.deb && links

I compiled that version of links and it has SSL in there.


Posted by pr0f3550r on Jan. 12 2006,11:12
Would you make a .dsl of that package, please?

And, would you make a .dsl of elinks with ssl support, please?

And, would you make a coffee, please? (optional)

Posted by Grim on Jan. 15 2006,00:18
Umm, no.  You can install it with dpkg.  elinks is available from the Debian repository `apt-get install elinks`.  And as far as the coffee bit goes, I don't think so :laugh:
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