URL in e-mail

Forum: Apps
Topic: URL in e-mail
started by: johnw

Posted by johnw on Dec. 28 2005,16:39
When I double click on a URL in an e-mail message FireFox doesn't display the web site. I checked with the Slypheed web site and it appears that double clicking on the URL should open up the FireFox browser. I can't see where there are any places in the Sylpheed configuration files to indicate that FireFox is the designated browser.

URL's in Slypheed are displayed in a color, as the Slpheed FAQ's and Documentation indicates is correct and copying and pasting to FireFox works fine but is obviously slow and impracticable.

Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 28 2005,20:00
Try typing this in a terminal window:

beaver /home/dsl/.sylpheed/sylpheedrc

Then scroll down to the line that starts with:


and replace

mozilla -remote 'openURL(%s, new window)'


firefox '%s'

Then save the file and re-open sylpheed and see if it works.

Posted by johnw on Dec. 29 2005,02:53
Modified sylpheedrc as per your post, the line that works was in total (for benefit of any one with the same problem) was:

uri_open_command=firefox -remote 'openURL(%s, new-window)'

URL's in e-mail now available with a double click as long as Firefox has been opened.

Thanks for help!

Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 29 2005,20:30
By getting rid of the "remote URL" stuff, I was hoping to get it to start Firefox for you so you don't need to open it manually before clicking on a link
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