dpkg -not working

Forum: Apps
Topic: dpkg -not working
started by: Sajith

Posted by Sajith on Jan. 03 2006,06:45
Hello DSL friends,

I am trying to install k3g. I have never done an installtion in Linux. I have down loaded .deb package from the debian site.

Now in the command prompt, i type sudo su
then i type dpkg -i k3g_something.deb

now i get a list of files which are suppose to be installed.

So, 1. Do i have to down load each one of then and install or, can use apt command ?
2. If i want to share the error message, how can i transfer these to a file ? ( i cant find any copy - paste option )

I am using DSL v.2

Please help,

Posted by Grim on Jan. 12 2006,02:50
Do you mean k3b?  I'm guessing you do...

k3b uses KDE libs, of which there are a metric -ton.  Try:

`apt-get install k3b`

hit y when it asks and prepare to wait for awhile.  It's gonna install everything and the kitchen sink.

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