Forum: Apps
Topic: GAIM Icon
started by: cowchip7

Posted by cowchip7 on Jan. 04 2006,05:44
I have downloaded Gaim though synaptic. In order to run the program I have to go to "run program" and type in "gaim."

I want to add a desktop icon. How do I do this? I tried using the desktop tool, but there is no gaim option? I want to add the icon to make things easier on the other people in the house.


Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 04 2006,15:58
I haven't made an icon with the icontool, but i think this is the process:
1) copy a gaim icon into /home/dsl/.xtdesktop.
2) open the icon tool and choose the add tab.
3) select the gaim icon.
4) enter a label, coordinates (any 2 numbers should work if you haven't disabled the autoarrange feature), and command to start (full path, apparently).
5) press 'OK'

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