Installing non-MyDSL apps

Forum: Apps
Topic: Installing non-MyDSL apps
started by: dixonn

Posted by dixonn on Jan. 04 2006,09:27
How can Install QIV or feh so they load everytime i boot.  They are not MyDSL apps so how do install them?  I have a partitioned compact flash disk which i boot from and wish to load pictures from a USB stick.  DSL seems to be what i need but the included picture viewer doesnt support slideshows.

Ive even tried to install them and I can't "make" the installation either.


Posted by adraker on Jan. 04 2006,11:31
The gtksee.dsl package in the applications section of the repository
will do slideshow.
It's easier than getting the .debs of qiv or feh and then putting a script
in to load them at boot...and all the deps.
Feh, at least, has a lot of deps.

Posted by dixonn on Jan. 04 2006,17:54
Thanks.  Just downloaded and now it wornt run from the desktop icon.  If I double click in Emelfm the commadn window at the bottom says the following;

Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged
/usr/bin/gtksee: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any ideas?

Posted by adraker on Jan. 05 2006,08:48
Yes. I had been using an earlier version of this package
with DSL 2.0, called gtksee5.2.dsl, wasn't aware it had been
updated and lost libtiff along the way.The current version with
DSL 2.0 gave me the same results as you had.
So sorry, thats a bummer.
But you might try the GQview package for slideshow too,
although I can't say I've run it myself.

Hope it works for you!

Posted by roberts on Jan. 05 2006,22:54
gtksee.dsl in the apps section of the repository has been updated to include the libtiff libraries and should work now for DSL v2.x
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