xmms gives a bus error

Forum: Apps
Topic: xmms gives a bus error
started by: twrensch

Posted by twrensch on Jan. 09 2006,22:23
Ran across an odd problem.

I've just switched from DSL 2.0 on a USB drive (USB-ZIP) to a DSL 2.0 frugal install (IDE CF drive).

I could run xMMs fine on the USB boot, but it won't start on the IDE-CF system.

Running xmms from the command line shows a "bus error".  Note that I can still play music using the command line mpg321.

Any thoughts?

 - Tom

Posted by twrensch on Jan. 10 2006,22:59
Well, I didn't figure out the reason I was getting the bus error, but I did solve the problem. I upgraded to 2.1 this morning and now xmms works fine.

 - Tom

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