how can ennabled pci 5.1 sound card

Forum: Apps
Topic: how can ennabled pci 5.1 sound card
started by: bata

Posted by bata on Jan. 10 2006,15:21
I have two sound cards, one on board, and other 5.1 pci.
When the system start seams that recognize the two sound cards, but the music software use the onboard one, how can I ennabled the 5.1 pci sound card.

Posted by Ivan-NL on Jan. 12 2006,13:34
Just determine which one sounds best and disable/remove the other one. Spares you an IRQ or two
Posted by clivesay on Jan. 12 2006,14:12
You will most likely need to disable the onboard sound in the bios and then I'm guessing you'll need to use the alsa.dsl from the repository to get the 5.1 card working.


Posted by peterhaworth on Feb. 14 2006,06:37
i am a newbie to DSL and i need to know how to get my sound to work
i have a 5.1 pci card and on-board have been using the 5.1 card in windows and it works so how do i get it working in DSL

Posted by cbagger01 on Feb. 15 2006,03:54
For DSL 0.8 through 1.5 and version 2.2, download and install the alsadebs.dsl extension.

For DSL 2.0 through 2.1, download and install the alsa.dsl extension.

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