Watchtower Library or DCOM98

Forum: Apps
Topic: Watchtower Library or DCOM98
started by: ixotj

Posted by ixotj on Jan. 15 2006,18:48
I can't install this software in DSL, please, help me.
Posted by caulktel on Jan. 16 2006,03:21
I have not been successful in making Watchtower Library run in Wine. I have tried from several distributions, hopefully they will release it for the Mac platform, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a Linux version.
Posted by ixotj on Jan. 17 2006,21:11
caulktel or anybody, i'd tried to run the WTLIB 2004, but DSl is my priority because mi laptop is too older (Pentium 133, 40 mb ram). If WINE fails, what can i do?... please help me, i don't want to use Window$, i´m JW (or TJ en español). Somebody write me or post here, thanks a lot.

PD. my mail, From Chile.

Posted by ixotj on Jan. 17 2006,21:12
caulktel or anybody, i'd tried to run the WTLIB 2004, but DSl is my priority because mi laptop is too older (Pentium 133, 40 mb ram). If WINE fails, what can i do?... please help me, i don't want to use Window$, i´m JW (or TJ en español). Somebody write me or post here, thanks a lot.

PD. my mail, From Chile.

Posted by ixotj on Jan. 18 2006,12:41
(en español): ¿sabe alguien como instalar Watchtower Library en Damnsmall? por favor, necesito que añguien me ayude, pues al comenzar a instalar se cuelga y no puedo seguir  ya que me arroja el siguiente error: 0x800401fd. si alguien sabe como solucionarlo ayudeme, gracias.
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