problem with firefox and flashplayer plugin

Forum: Apps
Topic: problem with firefox and flashplayer plugin
started by: mgmont

Posted by mgmont on Jan. 18 2006,02:24
I have purchased a Debian Training CBT that requires flash player plugin.  I can load the plug in successfully.  When I start the CBT, the main window and sound work ok, but there is a side bar on the left of the screen that should contain a menu of all the sections and allows you to select which section that you want to view and it is blank.  You can move the mouse over the side bar and select various sections, but you can't see what your are selecting.

I have tried DSL versions 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.1b all with the same results.  I can run the CBT on Linspire and their Firefox version 1.0, Windows 2000 with firefox, and SuSe with firefox all successfully.  Is there some setting in DSL's version of firefox that I need to change?  I also have a similar problem with my bank's web site but only with DSL.

Does anyone have any ideas or solutions?  I have not had any luck searching the forums and I am stuck at this point. I really want to use the CBT with DSL.  Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Posted by clacker on Jan. 18 2006,13:15
mgmont, there was something written about missing fonts in flash by mrcrab in < this previous post >.  I believe you need to load the XFree86.dsl extension from the repository and then load in the ghostscript fonts.  You might want to get the fonts by loading the dsl-dpkg.dsl extension and running:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gsfonts gsfonts-X11

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