where is the desktop?

Forum: Apps
Topic: where is the desktop?
started by: bata

Posted by bata on Jan. 19 2006,19:19
where is the desktop?
How can I find it?
Because , the downloads placed there and I cant find them.

Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 19 2006,22:11
I assume you're talking about the way Firefox has "Desktop" as the default download location.  This is a flaw with Firefox, as far as I'm concerned.  You get a mac/windows-style desktop only if you run a desktop environment such as KDE or Gnome.  Fluxbox does not have this dynamic storage-capable feature, since it is only a window manager.  The reason you have desktop icons at all is because they are provided by a separate application.

My guess is that the files were saved either to /home/dsl or /tmp (or maybe your firefox cache).  I suggest that you edit your Firefox preferences and change its downloads directory.

Posted by bata on Jan. 21 2006,12:24
ahh, ok thanks
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