how can I configure left hand mouse?

Forum: Apps
Topic: how can I configure left hand mouse?
started by: bata

Posted by bata on Jan. 19 2006,19:23
I want to configure the mouse to left hand, I dont find any app to do so.
Posted by clacker on Jan. 19 2006,20:50
bata, I assume you mean swap the left and right mouse buttons?  Enter this line in a Xterm window:

xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1 4 5"

If that doesn't work you can reset it back to the default by typing:

xmodmap -e "pointer = default"

Posted by bata on Jan. 21 2006,12:22
Cliquer, it say    
xmodmap: unknown command on line commandline:0

Posted by niverson on Feb. 06 2006,06:10
thanks I have been looking for a way to make my mouse left handed in DSL 2.1
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