
Forum: Apps
Topic: Bashpodder
started by: wharris107

Posted by wharris107 on Jan. 24 2006,21:49
Anybody out there using Bash podder to download podcasts? It looks pretty simple but being a noob and not using Bash very much Im not sure how to install it. I would like to use it with the GUI for ease of use. Went to the Bashpodder site hoping to find a forum but nada. Any help appretiated. DSL is so awesome and you guys are really helpful to us Linux wannabes Thanx!!!!!!!!
Posted by Grim on Jan. 25 2006,03:24
< Castget >'s better.
Posted by wharris107 on Jan. 26 2006,03:10
Thanks Grim Ill check it out.
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