Apps d/l Through MyDSL

Forum: Apps
Topic: Apps d/l Through MyDSL
started by: linuxfan

Posted by linuxfan on Jan. 25 2006,01:32
Why is it that any apps I install through MyDSL show up as not installed when I use Synaptic? Is there a way to change this?



Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 25 2006,01:59
No.  Synaptic will show you what has been installed from debian packages.  MyDSL is unrelated, and has no package managment features such as tracking, upgrade or uninstall.
Posted by linuxfan on Jan. 29 2006,12:56
How will it affect things if I have an app d/l through my dsl, and find and d/l an updated copy through apt? Will it mess anything up?



Posted by cmanb on Jan. 29 2006,16:23
I'm not positive, but it seems, intuitively, that it would somehow.  Just to be safe, reboot (which will get rid of any mydsl extension you may have loaded) and then use apt-get to do your thing.
Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 29 2006,16:35
The result of "upgrading" a mydsl application by installing a newer version of the same program can have various results, depending on how the mydsl package was built.  

Some mydsl apps were built with certain features disabled, perhaps for size, or perhaps because those features wouldn't work in DSL without some serious tweaking.  These may be problematic when mixed with apt, but i couldn't say for sure.

Many mydsl apps were built from debian packages.  These are probably less likely to have issues when you install a newer version through apt.

Some mydsl packages install into /opt, which will not be overwritten by an application installed into /usr by apt. You'll end up with 2 copies of the same program....simply remove the /opt/program_name directory to get rid of the mydsl version.

Basically, I can't say for sure whether or not you will have problems.  As with any distro, mixing two types of packages in the same system carries with it the possibility of're most likely to see trouble if your installation changes vital system files, such as libc or kernel modules.

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