problems with amsn

Forum: Apps
Topic: problems with amsn
started by: ev1l

Posted by ev1l on Feb. 02 2006,11:16
could anybody explain amsn.uci file to me
i used to click it and amsn would appear on my desktop ( via some form of mount command)
now i click the uci file and it says in a textbox

"please mount media containing optional dir and try again"

also since this there is some form of mounting problem on rebooting with cloop
when i reboot (or try to reboot ) it continually tries to mount amsn and gives me the above error ????
i then have to turn the machine off physically
any help in understanding what is going on and how to get amsn running again would be kindly appreciated

Posted by doobit on Feb. 02 2006,13:51
That usually means you have moved the file and it's corrupted. You should download it again and copy it to a permanent /home partition or wherever you keep your myDSL apps. At least that's what I did and it works OK now.
Posted by mikshaw on Feb. 02 2006,16:41
That error message seems to be a general message given for any failure to mount a could be that the specified file doesn't exist, or the file is corrupted or unreadable, or the filesystem itself is corrupted. If it occurs during auto-detection of mydsl packages, then the first possibilty (nonexistent file) does not apply.  Personally I'd fsck the partition first and then re-download the file, just to be sure.
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