nvu problem

Forum: Apps
Topic: nvu problem
started by: humpty

Posted by humpty on Feb. 02 2006,19:46
Have installed gtk2-0705.dsl and nvu-gtk2-0.50.dsl but I'm getting errors. Sorry to have to dump this but..

(nvu-bin:965): Gdk-WARNING **: Error converting from UTF-8 to STRING: Conversion from character set 'UTF-8' to 'ISO-8859-1' is not supported

(nvu-bin:965): Pango-WARNING **: No builtin or dynamically loaded modules
were found. Pango will not work correctly. This probably means
there was an error in the creation of:
You may be able to recreate this file by running pango-querymodules.

(nvu-bin:965): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

(nvu-bin:965): Pango-CRITICAL **: _pango_engine_shape_shape: assertion `PANGO_IS_FONT (font)' failed

Pango-ERROR **: file shape.c: line 75 (pango_shape): assertion failed: (glyphs->num_glyphs > 0)
/opt/nvu-0.50/run-mozilla.sh: line 451:   965 Aborted                 "$prog" ${1+"$@"}

Any ideas ?

Posted by Jonah Thomas on Mar. 24 2006,04:20
I have exactly the same problem (but it gives the error messages repeatedly).

I have it not only with nvu but also with Firefox 1.06.

That makes me think the problem is not with nvu but with something that nvu and Firefox depend on.

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