gAIM Is Being Anti-Social

Forum: Apps
Topic: gAIM Is Being Anti-Social
started by: linuxfan

Posted by linuxfan on Feb. 03 2006,02:32
Hi, All,
I'm working with dsl v2.1 in a hard drive install. I've installed gAIM, and have the plugins for msn and yahoo installed. I've set up my accounts, which I've triple checked against my gAIM setups on other comps, and they are correct. But, when I try to connect to the net, the msn account won't even try to do anything; it just sits there for several minutes, then gives me an error saying it was disconnected. The yahoo account will atleast try, and then it says it cannot connect.

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, how did you fix it? I was thinking it might be a firewall issue, but I don't know if dsl HAS a firewall, what it's name is, or if it was installed.



Posted by lagerratrobe on Feb. 05 2006,21:39
Yes, I've had the same problem with GAIM and my Yahoo account with DSL 2.0.  I've found that the problems go away if I run GAIM as root, or "sudo gaim".
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