Siag Spreadsheet : Any idiots guide out there?

Forum: Apps
Topic: Siag Spreadsheet : Any idiots guide out there?
started by: timmoore46

Posted by timmoore46 on Feb. 08 2006,20:28
I'm trying to go over 98% to DSL and managed to load the data of a spreadsheet file i use daily.

That was fine, but what happened next wasn't!

With my limited intellect, I could not enter new numbers or get them to add up.

I put 1 into A1 then 2 into A2, cursored to A3 clicked on Sigma and I got 0 not 3

I'd even read a manual if I could find one which helps people like me who can't figure this out! *LOL*

Any suggestions very welcome! (Well not perhaps a bullet between the eyes!  :(   )



Posted by cbagger01 on Feb. 09 2006,04:09
< >
Posted by timmoore46 on Feb. 09 2006,09:15
Many thanks.  I'd read some of that already and failed to understand it.  But from your index I found 'Notes to Excel Users' and will have another go from there.

One step closer to the goal of 98% DSL!



Posted by _pathos on Feb. 09 2006,09:22
It took 2 secs to work out :)

select the cells you want summed and then enter the cell you want the sum to go then press Sigma.

If you don't change the sum cell the last selected cell will be used and screw up because It includes itself :P

Posted by timmoore46 on Feb. 09 2006,09:47

Thank you!



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