DSL Linux as host and VmWare  on it

Forum: Apps
Topic: DSL Linux as host and VmWare  on it
started by: y-cyas

Posted by y-cyas on Feb. 11 2006,05:36

i have a computer amd 2400+, 512Mb ram and 20Gb HD

have DSL Linux 1.2  installed on the HD as Host system and want install Vmware on it

i tried to install VmWare 4.0 on DSL but it will use "mknod"  during the installation..

how can i make VmWare working successfully?

Posted by cbagger01 on Feb. 11 2006,22:15
You can try the "Upgrade to GNU utilities".  It will increase your chances of success.
Posted by korrekto on Feb. 21 2006,11:29
Has anyone succeeded with this?

I am also intersted in having a small linux distribution that is very easy to run and to install on the hd and that comes with the free VMware Player already installed.

The idea would be to install DSL on all machines and load from there a specific VMWare virtual machine.

Can anyone help me out with this?

If there is somebody out there who might be interested to do it for some development fee, I might consider it.


Posted by skaos on Feb. 21 2006,12:14
I suggest that you first read the VMWARE PLAYER DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT: < http://www.vmware.com/download/eula/player_distribution.html >
Posted by korrekto on Feb. 21 2006,12:46
I don't want to distribute this or any part of it.

I simply want to build it and use it and i don't have the knowledge to do it and therefore I ask for assistance.

I don't see where's the problem.


Posted by roberts on Feb. 21 2006,17:42
Not sure what you are asking..
I have built and posted a vmplayer version of DSL in the download section.
The latest versions of DSL have mknod.

Posted by korrekto on Feb. 21 2006,17:47
I don't want a DSL that runs as a virtual machine inside vmware.
I want a DSL that comes with the vmware player installed or where this player can be easily installed.

Posted by cbagger01 on Feb. 21 2006,18:14
So you want:

Boot up DSL

Install the Linux VMware program.

Run vmware from inside DSL to emulate another OS like Windows 95 or BSD or MSDOS or something.

Does a Debian package exist for VMware?

If so, you could first enable APT from the menu and then use

sudo su
dpkg -i name_of_package_file.deb

to install it.

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