Help with installing apps

Forum: Apps
Topic: Help with installing apps
started by: Lyve

Posted by Lyve on Feb. 12 2006,05:57
1st of all thanks for a great distro. I am really diggin it. However. I have a total noob question pertaining to the method of installing new programs...
I have DSL installed to the HD on a laptop that has no NIC. So I downloaded the apps from the repository on my windows XP machine, burned them to a disc and am trying to install them into DSL. When I go to  the file manager and choose the /cdrom... all that shows in the window below is "/" and I have chosen to display all files including the hidden files. I really am at a loss here. I dont know how to proceed. I am totally new at this and am just learning. BTW...for example one of the apps I am trying to install is Mplayer.dsl . I dont know if this might let you know what Im doing here.

Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated. and if this has been posted before I do apologize for the repost but I searched and could not find this same problem.

Thanks in advance for your help...


Posted by lapetitevoleuse on Feb. 12 2006,21:12
I don't know how much of a noob you are, but... did you mount the CD first?
Posted by Lyve on Feb. 13 2006,23:25
Yes it is mounted... I didnt do that originally. I can now see the files on the CD. I want to copy these apps to the HD and have a link to access them on the desktop.
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