Installing bit torrent on DSL from command line?

Forum: Apps
Topic: Installing bit torrent on DSL from command line?
started by: Orange Goblin

Posted by Orange Goblin on Feb. 13 2006,19:14
I'm trying to install the bit torrent client, so I use wget to grab it from the myDSL repository and then mydsl-load to install it. However when I try to run it I get the following error:

Code Sample
/usr/bin/btcurses: /usr/bin/btdownloadcurses: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

What do I have to do to fix this?

Posted by flatcat on Mar. 07 2006,11:37
Looks like it can't find python which I believe should be pre-installed.

You can download python from MyDSL extensions as well.

I have downloaded the bittorrent clients and not had this problem. Are you sure your version is not corrupted. Check MD5s.

Hope this helps.

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