
Forum: Apps
Topic: Encryption
started by: humpty

Posted by humpty on Feb. 14 2006,20:05
Is there some clever way to encrypt a file with a password? A script maybe?

Also, is there some app that manage names, addresses and telephone no.s?

Posted by Glacial on Mar. 10 2006,18:40
The only crypto that I can find that comes on the live CD is des.  It does work.

to encryrpt a file

des -E infile outfile

and to decrypt a file:

des -D infile outfile

it prompts for the password twice on encrypt and once on decrypt.
I don't know how secure des is overall but it's good enough for privacy purposes.

Posted by satimis on Mar. 11 2006,07:00
Quote (Glacial @ Mar. 10 2006,13:40)
The only crypto that I can find that comes on the live CD is des.  It does work.

to encryrpt a file

des -E infile outfile

and to decrypt a file:

des -D infile outfile

it prompts for the password twice on encrypt and once on decrypt.
I don't know how secure des is overall but it's good enough for privacy purposes.

Hi Glacial,

What is the name of the package?



Posted by humpty on Mar. 11 2006,21:04
nice. :D
>What is the name of the package? (it's built in.)

This is great. All I need now is an app to store names+addresses.

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