I need a wifi manager

Forum: Apps
Topic: I need a wifi manager
started by: marimo

Posted by marimo on Feb. 15 2006,09:51
I have an orinoco card clone on my laptop and DSL understood it, got me on the net very quickly\-- KUDOS to you guys!

I saw a KDE related wifi manager in a recent Knoppix distro but does anyone have a reccomendation of a non-bloatly gui wifi manager--?
I am used to the clarity of a Mac ibook running OS X and it's nice, clean little wifi managers...

Also, since I have a HD install of DSL, should I be considering a Debian app or can I still use a DSL extension/app? This is a little confusing for me. I barely know how to do apt-get, but I am used to it. The DSL 'one-click' app on my desktop looks interesting. Clarification on this would be great...

Posted by torp on Feb. 15 2006,18:21
can you handle the command line or do you have to have a GUI? All the tools are there in the shell if you want them. for a GUI I believe I saw one in the repository......yeah...wavemon.dsl....

"Wavemon is a wireless network signal monitor. It shows the signal properties of the network you are connected to. I've tested it with a Lucent Orinoco gold card. Other cards may be able to get a list of available access points, but i havent tried one. I made this package using a .deb from debian stable and with help from the guys in the damnsmalllinux.org howto forum."


Posted by doobit on Feb. 15 2006,18:42
The first thing most people want to do is scan for access points. The command line for that is this one for most of the drivers.

iwlist [insert your wifi port here - wlan0 for example] scan

To get a list of ports type
iwconfig [your wifi port]

for more info on your wifi port

try it to see if it works.

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