GCC, Am I missing some thing ?

Forum: Apps
Topic: GCC, Am I missing some thing ?
started by: jbully

Posted by jbully on Feb. 15 2006,15:14
Thanks for any help any one can give,

Im trying to install gcc on to DSL but it has a DSL extention, when I try to down load it from with a usb key install of 2.2 rc1 the fire fox browser just seems to freeze the cpu shows 100% usage and the net doesnt show any activity, Am i missing some thing?

can any one help fill in the spaces ?

hope so


Posted by humpty on Feb. 15 2006,18:43
Sounds like a download problem.
Try dillo instead?
Can you right click it and save-as to your USB key?
Maybe USB key runs out of space?

Posted by jbully on Feb. 16 2006,08:50

I did think about trying the other browser but i can seem to get that working with our proxy at work :( although i was wroking before i upgraded to 2.2 from 1.5 so ill give that a go, is there any way that i can download gcc on a windows box and move it to dsl.

edit :

I can now open the dsl in firefox but all i get is a 16mb page of the contents of the file what the HELL am i doing wrong ????


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