newbie want to install Hamachi & OpenVPN

Forum: Apps
Topic: newbie want to install Hamachi & OpenVPN
started by: flowersrj

Posted by flowersrj on Feb. 16 2006,15:47

New to DSL(and Linux) and want to install HAMACHI and then  OpenVPN client.  Can anyone direct me on how to do this or an online reference?  I  have searched around the 'Net but could only find reference where your PC's OS is a POSIX system.  I run XP currently with a 512meg USB install of DSL (Embedded version) which is working good.  I checked the myDSL site but could not find these apps there.  Want to use this as a secure way to access my home PC from the road.  Must say that DSL is a great piece of technology.

Thanks, Rich

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