Installing Binary

Forum: Apps
Topic: Installing Binary
started by: hackbob

Posted by hackbob on Feb. 20 2006,08:22
Hi all,
I need to install real player and on his site there is a binary for the installation (.bin file).

There is the possibility to install this on DSL.

I've search in the getting started but there are no information.

Someone can help me?


P.S. I think that DSL is very powerfull.

Posted by mikshaw on Feb. 20 2006,16:33
It's possible to install on DSL, though it might require some additional dependencies.  DSL is tiny, and many things which may be common in other distros are not a part of DSL.

*.bin files are often compressed archives with an embedded shell script. If you make the file executable, you should be able to run it (you may need to be root).  If it fails, you might be better off installing Realplayer from a debian package.  You may need to enable apt and upgrade to GNU-utils in order to accomplish this.

Posted by hackbob on Feb. 22 2006,07:37
Thanks a lot.
I had made it executable and all is installed.

I know that is not the pourpose of DSL to have much program installed but i'm making a distro based on DSL, and install this on 20 machines used in an Internet Cafe, and some player are needed to play internet video.


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