watch dvd

Forum: Apps
Topic: watch dvd
started by: searayman

Posted by searayman on Mar. 02 2006,22:16
can you watch dvd's on dsl? if so what program can i download to watch dvd's with? and could u help me install it?
Posted by searayman56 on Mar. 04 2006,22:25
in the my dsl are there any multimedia one su cna download that allow you to watch dvd's on your hard drive?
Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 05 2006,08:09


You need libdvdcss if you want to watch encrypted (store-bought) DVDs, and libdvdcss may not be legal in your country.

Posted by searayman on Mar. 06 2006,03:14
how do i know what country they are leagal in? i am in the USA and if they are legal how od i get them?
Posted by searayman on Mar. 06 2006,03:18
ok i figured it out, and am using mplayer, and when i open a dvd it says it cant configure sound or somehtign and i cant listen to anyhting? how can i get the sound to work?
Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 06 2006,03:25
Does sound work on your other applications?

In other words, can you listen to music with XMMS?

Posted by searayman on Mar. 06 2006,03:31
well i dont hav emusic on my computer so i don tknow
Posted by searayman on Mar. 06 2006,03:32
ok i openned xmms just for the hell of it and hit play and it said i have to check my sound card so i guesse i cnat listen to music
Posted by doobit on Mar. 06 2006,16:01
Getting sound to work is a different topic (so you might want to post in a more appropriate place.) The first step is to find out what sound card you have. Then to find out if you can configure it for Linux using one of the audio driver systems available (like OSS or Alsa). Then to configure the computer to use the available drivers.
Posted by searayman on Mar. 06 2006,23:22
can i get a more detailed explination like how i use these drivers?
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