
Forum: Apps
Topic: snes9x.uci
started by: jubeiyagyu

Posted by jubeiyagyu on Mar. 10 2006,03:25
hello hope some one can help me.. im still new to linux. first i have an ibm thinkpad 570 366mhz with 64megs ram.  i would like to be able to play a few super nintendo games on it. so i have put the snes9x.uci file onto the cd that dsl is on. how do i start this program.?  . im used to windows just clicking it but that dont work. : /

allso i dont have a harddrive.

Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 10 2006,03:42
If you put it into the root of the CD, then it should mount automatically when you boot into DSL.  UCI files mount (as opposed to install) into opt, so that's where you should look for the application.  I haven't tried snes, but i'm guessing it would probably be in /opt/snes or something similar.  There's also a good chance that a menu item was created, in the "myDSL" submenu.

If all else fails, try reading the file, which you should probably read before even installing a myDSL package.

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