cc vs. gcc

Forum: Apps
Topic: cc vs. gcc
started by: brianinabq

Posted by brianinabq on Mar. 11 2006,19:43
Newbie here...

I am trying to MAKE and INSTALL for the first time. MAKE is asking for cc but I only have gcc. Is it a direct replacement?

Can I use EXPORT to fool it to use gcc?

Thankyou for your time



Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 11 2006,20:38
You can most likely modify the Makefile, telling it to use gcc.  Some (most?) makefiles will have a "CC" variable near the beginning of the file, where you can change it to "CC=gcc".  If this doesn't work you might try running make like this: "CC=gcc make".
Still another option is to create a symlink called cc, pointed to gcc.

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