Command line email?

Forum: Apps
Topic: Command line email?
started by: gjhicks

Posted by gjhicks on Mar. 15 2006,13:21

I am trying to get mailx to work, so I can send emails from scripts, ie: as if at the command line.

Have installed (ie: from .deb) mailx and masqmail (as the mail transport agent).  The installation seemed to go fine.

But, despite lots of googling, can not find straightforward information on how to get the various configuration files set up (like /etc/mailx.rc) to get the mail system working.

Would appreciate any help.



Posted by pr0f3550r on Mar. 15 2006,13:40

I posted previously on this matter. Some of the contributors were not very happy about having a MTA on DSL for spamming reasons, though I am.

Can you post linkxs to the  debs for both programs?
MAilx looks like Berkeley mail to me, maybe the .mailrc are not the same.

Posted by gjhicks on Mar. 15 2006,22:36
Hi Prof,

Thanks for the response.  Have put the DEB files on the net:

< mailx is here > and < masqmail is here. >

I do not intend to use the system to receive mail or even to really send mail, except one, one-line message, every few hours, that contains the current IP address of my ADSL connection.  I plan to use a 'cron job' to send the little email, hence the need for a command-line mailer.

Look forward to your help.


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