problems with firefox

Forum: Apps
Topic: problems with firefox
started by: searayman

Posted by searayman on Mar. 18 2006,22:03
for some random reason my firefox now takes up the whole screen and i cant see the blue bar at the bottom on damn small linux, where the minimized aplications go. Also i cant minimize my firefox window casue the top bar of firefox is not there anymore. I used to have it but now its all messed up. I looked through preferences and such, and saw a thing to make it ful screen caus ei though maybe i clicked it on mistake. so i clicked it again, and it changed a little and showed the minimize button and x out button in a strange location. But the minimize button didntwork so i can only x out. I tried restarting it but it didnt fix the problem
Posted by pr0f3550r on Mar. 19 2006,12:35
I had the same problem some time ago after messing up with
Sometimes pressing F11 twice sorts the problem.

Posted by searayman on Mar. 19 2006,22:51
ok i tried it and it didnt fix my problem :(
Posted by searayman on Mar. 20 2006,00:19
anyone have any suggestion sits getting realy annoyin gnot being able to minimize firefox
Posted by spock on Mar. 20 2006,00:36
Hi there,

I have this in my /home/dsl/.fluxbox/keys file :

Mod1 n :Minimize
Mod1 m :MaximizeWindow
Mod1 c :Close
Mod1 t :ToggleDecor

Alt+n minimizes, Alt+m maximizes, Alt+c closes, Alt+t removes the title bars !

Here's more options of what you can put in that file (look for the chapter KEYS FILE) :

< >

Thierry  :)

Posted by roberts on Mar. 20 2006,00:41
If you use jwm, then simply press Alt-f2 to bring up a menu to move, min,max. etc. Nothing to edit. It's there already.
Posted by lovdsl on Mar. 24 2006,19:39
If you are in fluxbox another handy tip is to press alt and the left mouse button and drag the firefox down so you can see the window top..then click maximixe box to set to the screen or use alt and the right mouse button to resize..some programs are designed for different screen resolutions like 800 *600 or 1024..and require manual resizing..some will mauintain the resize some are not capable of saveing and will need resize each session.
Posted by humpty on Mar. 24 2006,22:10
nice one lovdsl - i think there should be an "accepted answer" stamp, like wot they have on those 'expert exchange forums'! :laugh:
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