Trying to use MAKE for POSTFIXForum: Apps Topic: Trying to use MAKE for POSTFIX started by: NewDude Posted by NewDude on April 12 2006,02:15
Can someone help me out here? I downloaded postfix, Install the GCC.... but when I go to postfix directory and try to make it I am missing a db.h file... Here is the message... No <db.h> include file found. Install the appropriate db*-devel package first Question? Does DSL have that on it's repository? If not, where do I get it? Posted by 300c_pilot on April 12 2006,07:00
The apt-get is easier then the tar file route. Make sure you enable it under tools.In a root shell: apt-get & enter gets a list of commands apt-get install **packagenamehere** & enter installs the application. (If it is in the packages that are avalible) I believe, not 100% sure yet, the application you are missing is call Berkley Database, don't worry about it.( I had not run them on DSL. I mentioned them because they are what I set up on clients servers. And that I know they are easy (usally) to setup. So, I just installed postfix on a DSL system with the following commands in a root shell "apt-get install postfix" Follow the destructions and it will accept email when you are finished. Takes about 5 minutes after download to configure. Additional Commands: "apt-get install procmail", should install in about 2 minutes or less and ask no questions. "apt-get install spamassassin" Might need the following as well... "apt-get install perl-base perl-modules" Perl must be on for spamassassin. Takes a few minutes You will still need dovecot, imapd or something to allow people to loginto and get there emails. These appear to need to be loaded as tarballs. If your machine is forwarding only then you do not need them. Procmail & postfix can do that. I will finish this tommorrow. If you want a cool web management program install "apt-get install webmin" then login to < http://localhost:10000 > as root and then under servers you can manage your email server. Smooth flights...:) Posted by NewDude on April 12 2006,13:34
300c_pilot... Thanks!!!!!I appreicate your help. Check it out... after I tried the make command in the postfix directory where I uncompressed it, it wanted the db.h file and I stated eariler. I googled it and found db.h is part of the the Berkley DB stuff, so I went to, so I will install that tonight and then try to apt-get install postfix? Or should I just follow the directions which say after I make and install the Berkley stuff, do a make in the postfix directory and it should work?? I hope.. Now, I have seen apt-get meantioned in other areas on this forum but I wasn't totallly sure what is was for. So when you use apt-get, it goes out and pulls the dependancy files that you need automatically? But, yes you are right about what I am missing, the db.h file is part of the Berkley DB and I will be installing that tonight when I get home from work. The problem is, I only have about 400mb left. I was hoping to have 100mb left for my forum to grow(That should be good for the next 3 years), 150mb for email accounts (150mb split up 4 way, inbox's for me and my wife and 2 kids), so that leaves me with about 150mb to mess with. How much space does spamassassin, dove and other package you suggested take after they are uncompressed? I am not worried about storing the compressed files on this machine, I have samba running and can store them on my Win2K server and access them as needed off the network. However, I do have a Win98 partition on hda1 that is 700mb, I could nuke that partition and create freespace with it. Do you know of a product for linux like partition magic that will grow a linux partition from freespace? So I could just add to my application partition hda5, take 700mb of freespace (Old WIN98 Partition) and grow the hda5. Should have never kept that Win98 partition, I never use it... If there is no product like that, I could nuke the whole HD and start over, but I am getting pressed for time. In 3 weeks, my garage will be to hot to run the WIN2k server and the laptop will have to be running as my email and web server. Or maybe using the freespace on hda1 for my mail boxes and other stuff. I don't know, so many options. Posted by NewDude on April 12 2006,13:38
300c_pilot...Also, are you former miliitary? Just wondering...I see your machine gun avatar... Posted by NewDude on April 12 2006,13:40
Oh yeah...just to let you know, I downloaded the 4.4.20 version of Berkley DB...not that it matters. I probably could have downloaded an older verison to save space though. Posted by 300c_pilot on April 13 2006,05:52
My earlier post did not show up??? ARRRG!You will be happier, if you use the apt-get instead of rolling your own with the make/compile. The apt-get allows you to not get head aches, until later when you want to change things. I believe that it also takes less space then compiling your own. I was battling a server today, I was going to answer the rest of your post but it is to late for today. Highlights from earlier post: Avitar is because I play Call of Duty a lot and that is what I use there, probably makes more sence to those folks. Former Navy Fire controlman. Currently a computer geek looking for a "any"paying helicopter pilot job. 300c is the type of chopper I trained in. As far as space; what kind of laptop have you got? Is an external usb drive an option? I have lots of old computers & parts I would give you, if you pay shipping, including a 10 gig laptop harddrive. One in my mind at the moment is a gateway p3-933 (derated to 700)w/256 megs & 15 gig hd. It has DSL on it already and it is about 2 times the thickness of a laptop and about the same foot print. Probably cost ya ??.?? to ship it, depending on where you are. Let me know, I will finish this later. ![]() Posted by NewDude on April 13 2006,20:19
Ah... Fire controlman.... interesting.. I was a paratrooper in the infantry in the Army. Now I work as a computer programmer/Oracle Discoverer Admin for Unisys Corp. on an Air Force base out here in the desert in California. I figured you were a pilot. The army uses those 300c's for training for their pilots I think. I remember on an exercise having beers with some Apache pilots (that were supporting us in the field, giving us air cover) about their training and they talked about flying those 300c's. That is cool. Hopefully you get a job doing that. Ok, I have a few things to get acomplished before I try the install of PostFix again. On one of my other posts, I asked about using a repartitioning/resizing software on Linux like Partition Magic, a guy pointed me in the right direction of some cool software, so I am going to repartition that computer before I install PostFix. Anyway, I got my web server and forum (MySQL/PHP) running on my P133 full time now. That old P133mhz sure runs good with DSL 2.2B. I am so attached to DSL now, I can't imagine running any other thing. Posted by 300c_pilot on April 14 2006,03:13
Paratrooper, that would be a very cool rush...Maybe on my 40th birthday I will make a jump to prove I am alive?I really like the 300c, even though I have flown 3 other types of helicopters. When I was in the Navy their idea of a computer was a simpson multimeter. OK it looks like you have some other things to do before you get to the email server. I will write up something this weekend. I have been slammed at my computer business. To bad you are not in Idaho, I could use some help. Smooth flights... ![]() Posted by NewDude on April 14 2006,14:11
Idaho must be nice... I have been there a few times when I was younger. I always enjoyed Idaho, Montana and Wy...People are more freedom minded up there. California outdoors stuff is great, but the state government here is really f*&$ed up. I have a smalll computer business on the side. It started off doing PC repairs then my friend and I entered the world of networking. We have a few contracts with other small businesses that we support. So far we have only built Windoze networks with OS/2 clients now and then. But I have been trying to get my skills up on Linux. I am wanting to get away from doing the Windoze thing and try to push people into the OpenSource relm. Here in the next 6 months, my friend and I should be up to speed on Linux and will be able to maybe start migrating a couple of the businesses we support away from using Windoze. I figure if we can do at least the server part on Linux, the company would save a lot of cash. I was thinking of pushing DSL on a few of their work stations with OpenOffice as a test to see how well your average user can change over. So far, it has worked at home. My wife uses DSL since I nuked windoze on our PC, she didn't have any problem learning the frontend. But she just surfs the net and uses OpenOffice. My kids still want Windows because of their games. But that is ok, I had 6 Windoze machines and open Linux machine 7 months ago, now I have 6 DSL machines, 1 Ubuntu machine and 1 Windoze.... Total change over. So you might jump on your 40th? ![]() Fun tour, but very physical. Posted by 300c_pilot on April 15 2006,03:24
I too, have a really small Computer/network repair bizz...This is somewhat of a tough subject:LINUX ---Just be carefull about releasing the geni. Windows Problems and upgrades have made it possible for me to buy a lot of toys. Cars, boats, motorcycles, homes and even for a short time a helicopter, enough said on that. I know this will be taken wrong, I love what Linux allows you to do. Its just that I get calls everyday to fix Windows Machines, I have yet to get a call for a Linux problem. All of the Windows networks that I manage are protected by Linux servers, I do want the best for my clients. They like the cost and the fact that once it is running it does not cost them anything but electricity. My bottom line has suffered (A LOT) since I have moved some of my clients servers to Linux. As much as 90% on a couple of clients, so be careful introducing it to everyone. The clients think it is great, but it has cost me a great deal of money. (I am sorry for thinking this way, but it is true.) One of my clients, has not called in four years for any software problems, I have called them just to see if they are calling other another tech. I have given DSL cd's to some lawyers, hopefully I wont here from them to soon. I believe DSL is a great OS for people that just want there computer to work when they turn it on. DSL gives reliability. I have been all over the US & Canada and I always enjoy coming home to Idaho. The land of little traffic. The last population count put Idaho at over 1 million people, I don't know where they are hiding at. Keep at it...:) Posted by 300c_pilot on April 21 2006,03:30
NewDude, Did ya get it going?
Posted by NewDude on April 27 2006,21:02
I took a break... I broke my machine...I deleted the /opt directory after drinking to many beer... I was stupid. I went ahead and setup DSL 2.3 on my other machine P166mhz, and it is serving my webpages and PHPBB forum and running MySQL DB now. Running excellent, way better than the laptop... Anyway, I am getting ready to start the new install with postfix. I stumbled on other SMTP server it is XMAIL, have you ever heard of it? Sorry for not giving an update.... Posted by 300c_pilot on April 28 2006,05:38
We have all killed our fair share of OS installs. This is why I have been using VMware's Free Server for testing. Its fast and it doesn't make you as mad when you do something wrong. Has a nice little snapshot feature(backup). Never heard of xmail before reading it here. I will look into it. ((Many Beers + Computer) often)= Baseball bat Glad to see you got it rebuild, so you could post. ![]() |