JRE AzureusForum: Apps Topic: JRE Azureus started by: QHash Posted by QHash on Oct. 22 2006,18:04
Hi,I tried to run Azureus on my DSL HD installed version but it said that I need at least 1.4 JRE as I remember. Ok so I've downloaded the newest Java SDE with JRE RPM and tried to install it by commend: rpm -i file.rpm and rpm -ivh file.rpm but none of this worked and only -i (info but as far as I know it should work as a install option). I think that if I install java it would not work properly because DSL would miss something (before installing the newest SDE I had problem with VirtualMachine and the error was like: Could not run the VM and I had no idea how to install and run JRE and Azureus ![]() Ofcourse I can install other linux but I wanted to have very small one. Thanks all for responce, and if this topic where somewhere at the forum I couldn't find it ![]() Posted by Nym1 on Oct. 23 2006,01:54
Hello,Use "jre1_5_0.uci" as recommended in the azureus.info file. Quote: "Comments: File sharing peer to peer P2P client for the bittorrent protocol. Requires java, use the jre1_5_0.uci Requires GTK2, use the gtk2-0705.dsl" Posted by QHash on Oct. 23 2006,18:47
Ok so i must mount j2re and it shoud work?I used mount -t uci j2re1_5_0.uci /home/dsl/ but it was no good I'm quiete new at it so sorry if it's obvious ![]() Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 23 2006,19:21
It's a mydsl package.If you wish to load it in the console, you can use mydsl-load [file]. Posted by QHash on Oct. 23 2006,20:31
OK thanks that ofcource worked but still I'm not apple to run Azureus - maybe someone could post short tutorial ?? ![]() Much thanks in advance Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 23 2006,22:31
If you haven't got it get, you also need gtk2...
Posted by QHash on Oct. 24 2006,13:17
I have needed files but I don't know how to make it all to work :/ some short answears may help somebody who knows linux well but I still don't know many things so I was wonder if you could write something more.
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 24 2006,13:44
What the .info means is:Download jre, gtk2, azureus. mydsl-load <jre> mydsl-load <gtk2> mydsl-load <azureus> Run azureus. Posted by QHash on Oct. 24 2006,18:23
Thanks for quick responceI have such error that is weird for me: Java exec found in /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_12/bin/ OOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE [/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_12/bin/java = Error] You need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x or newer from < http://java.sun.com > Maybe I must target patch to mounted jre.uci but I don't know this patch Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 24 2006,20:47
You must've copied that from elsewhere - stick with mydsl if you can.Remove that/reboot/whatever to clear that j2sdk and repeat the steps in my previous post. Alternatively, you can point PATH to look at /opt/java*/[...]/bin first instead, but you may as well start fresh. Posted by QHash on Oct. 25 2006,08:34
Ok I did as you said.when I type $java I've got standard java information so it works, when I do $azureus it starts to run ... searching language but then I've got: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/dsl/azureus/libswt-pi-gtk-3232.so: libXtst.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I mydsl-load'ed jre and gtk - maybe I must add gtk to PATH ? but how it should look like. This file: libswt-pi-gtk-3232.so is in dir /azureus. Cheers and thanks Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 25 2006,15:36
libXtst.so.6 is included in DSL by default. Should be in /usr/X11R6/lib. What version of DSL are you using?No... PATH is used for executables. Output `which java` and `which azureus` ... to double check you're using the correct ones. Posted by QHash on Oct. 25 2006,17:49
I use the newest version.I have jre1_5_0.uci and newest azureus for linux. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 25 2006,20:15
Please read over my previous post again...And try to use the azureus in myDSL to see if that works first. Posted by QHash on Oct. 25 2006,21:06
I've checked path: /usr/X11R6/lib and I did'nt found libXtst.so.6 - only libXt.so.6
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 25 2006,22:39
Maybe your setup is messed up and are probably off with a fresh installation.What about the other questions? If you don't care about them, I guess you could manually grab those files or reinstall everything. Posted by Zucca on Nov. 20 2006,08:59
I can't get it working. Pango errors again.