Firefox deafault settings

Forum: Apps
Topic: Firefox deafault settings
started by: Zucca

Posted by Zucca on Nov. 01 2006,09:23
I've tried for many times to search for the default settings for Firefox.
Thing is that I plan to create few vnc accounts for my friends and I need to modify Firefox default settings for them. Bookmaks and start page at least.

Afaik I can't just copy setting for them, because Firefox scrambles the directory name where it stores user settings (for security?).

I've alredy tried to modify files in /usr/local/firefox/defaults/.

EDIT: I REALLY need to double check topic names...

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Nov. 01 2006,14:31
Assuming you're using the FF 1.0.x, my guess is that you need to change defaults.ini

to like (this is just a example)
Code Sample
[Extra Files]

EDIT: actually, this might not help at all, since that defaults dir should be read first - this is only to override those...

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