Tar nor DPKG worksForum: Apps Topic: Tar nor DPKG works started by: adamsjw2 Posted by adamsjw2 on Jan. 18 2004,03:51
Hi all, When I try to use dpkg to install a *.deb file for my modem I get, "Unable to access status area" message. I thought dpkg -configure might help, but it won't run either. Also, after unpacking a *.gz file and running ./configure, there are a numerous errors along the line of "automake not found, autoconfig not found...." This happens for every tarball that I have. If I could install my modem driver, I'd use apt-get for most of this. Is there something wrong with DSL that it doesn't allow for using dpkg? Do I need to dl something else or is my ignorance showing. TIA, Jim Maysville KY USA ![]() Posted by Del on Jan. 18 2004,04:29
You most likely need to restore the dpkg database first. WIth a 'net connection just type 'sudo dpkg-restore'. Without (like it sounds you are) download < http://damnsmalllinux.org/dpkg.tar.gz > and install it. Then things should work better.Make, gcc, g++ are not installed by default. You'll need to install the .debs for them, then configure, make-ing, and such should work. Posted by adamsjw2 on Jan. 18 2004,18:36
Del,You are correct I'm not attached to the net via DSL, (I'm in Win98 currently). I'll give your suggestions a try. I might take my system to work tomorrow and use the high speed connection to upgrade my system. Also, any idea why TAR won't work. Thanks, Jim Posted by Del on Jan. 19 2004,06:07
Sorry, from your description it sounds like tar itself works fine. If you are able to unpackage the *.gz file, then it's working right. Your problem when you run ./configure and it complains is the lack of make and gcc in DSL. They're just too big to include in the default distribution. Install the .debs for make, gcc and g++ and you should be fine. Posted by Modrak on Jan. 19 2004,21:06
gunzip dpkg.tar.gztar -xf dpkg.tar And copy dpkg to its dir Posted by Grim on April 03 2004,05:06
Actually, there's a known bug with the busybox version of tar.Read < this thread > toward the bottom of the page, right before cbagger gives me a hard time. |