JAVA Runtime EnvironmentForum: Apps Topic: JAVA Runtime Environment started by: dollarbill63 Posted by dollarbill63 on Dec. 14 2003,18:58
I have searched the forums - almost all - to find a way to install Sun's JRE for MozillaFirebird.... none of it is working..File is j2re-1_4_2-03-linux-i586.bin that I have downloaded into MozillaFirebired directory... These are the LATEST directions I am following: 3) Open a terminal or console 4) Enter "chmod 777 j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586.bin" 5) Enter "j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586.bin" 6) Press Spacebar several times and enter "yes" for the license agreement 7) Enter "su" & root password 8) Enter "mv j2re1.4.2_03 /usr/local" Right off the top of the batNo such file or directoy... Granted I am doing something wrong... but can you point me in the proper direction... Thanks.... got my swap file to work AFTER hd install.. that was EASY... this is taxing my limited computer knowledge... Thanks ![]() Posted by ImNotHere on Dec. 16 2003,02:11
Quick thingy, I know its most likely not this but.... is your terminal in the right directory?
Posted by Del on Dec. 16 2003,05:13
8) Enter "mkdir /usr/local" 9) Enter "mv j2re1.4.2_03 /usr/local" If I read it correctly, /usr/local does not exist in DSL (for space reasons). The 'no such file' error is probably that. |