Opera 6.03 borrowed from SuSE.

Forum: Apps
Topic: Opera 6.03 borrowed from SuSE.
started by: Rapidweather

Posted by Rapidweather on Dec. 25 2004,02:38
You can tell when I get a little bored, and try something strange, odd, or silly.
Well, I am running a remastered version of DSL 0.6.2, and normally, Firefox can be put in there, and run, but there were issues with Opera. That has been solved with the latest DSL's of course, but I just had to try this:
I have a SuSE 6.3 partition on this machine, and so I used the mount app to
mount it, and then used Emelfm to navigate to the Opera executable. It's in
/usr/lib/opera/opera--6.03, etc/opera and it is 10.09 MB. Double clicking on it, and it runs. Shortly there after I have it set up, and now I am surfing the web, and making this post. There is a /home/damnsmall/.opera directory created by booting it, and setting it up with a registration number and etc. There are some font issues, but for the most part, the web pages are presentable and entirely useable.
The "wrapper script" at /usr/bin/opera will not work, so one must go right to the executable. Now for the fun part. I can add /home/damnsmall/.opera to my filetool.lst on my backup device, and then
menu -> system -> file restoration -> backup.
That would save all of my Opera setup work for the next bootup of DSL 0.6.2.
But, what about the Opera executable? All that would be necessary to access it easily the next time around would be to use the mount app to mount /dev/hdb3 (The SuSE linux partition), and to make a fluxbox menu item to run it. Since /home/damnsmall/.fluxbox is in my filetool.lst, any changes I make to the fluxbox menu will be restored over the default menu that I have in DSL 0.6.2, as remastered. (And there are a lot).
Since this is an oddball setup, for this computer only, then it is only right that the restoration tarball be here also, and that I do not need to remaster the Opera menu item into the CD.
The same sort of thing, borrowing a browser setup from another
linux partition, probably would work for Firefox, also. Of course, the
latest DSL has Firefox, and I would like to think that all of the work to
"add" Firefox to DSL beginning with DSL 0.5.3 has moved the distro to
the point where Firefox would indeed have to be included in the CD.
I have run DSL 8x with the Firefox .dsl add on, and found it to be nice, but much slower to boot up than if Firefox were mastered into the distro in the first place.  I did do that, and could compare the speeds. I also have Firefox in this remaster of DSL 0.6.2 running now, during this Opera test.

Posted by Rapidweather on Dec. 25 2004,22:41
I decided to write a script for this, the Opera files are copied to ramdisk, and run from there. Once Opera is closed, the ramdisk that was set up is deleted. Also, the hard drive partition that was mounted so the Opera files could be copied is unmounted. Free space on the ramdisk is then returned to what it was.
Code Sample

# An add-on for Rapidweather Remaster of DSL Linux, version 0.2.9
# Based on Damn Small Linux 0.6.2
# For IBM 350 P90 only. Contains specific file locations for this machine only.
# A way to obtain Opera 6.03 installed in /dev/hdb3, SuSE Linux.
# Copy everything to ramdisk and run it from there.
# File name and location is /home/damnsmall/download/boot_opera.sh
# System must be restored from /dev/hda1 for this file to be present.
# Run this script from the fluxbox menu.
# First,  mount hdb3
echo Getting Opera 6.03 files from the hard drive...
mount -o rw /dev/hdb3 /mnt/hdb3
sleep 2
# make some directories
mkdir /ramdisk/usr/
# mkdir /ramdisk/usr/bin  ## don't need this directory
mkdir /ramdisk/usr/share
mkdir /ramdisk/usr/share/opera
mkdir /ramdisk/usr/lib
mkdir /ramdisk/usr/lib/opera
mkdir /ramdisk/usr/lib/opera/6.03-20020813.1
echo "Copying Opera to ramdisk."
sleep 2
# copy all the files to ramdisk:
sudo cp -r /mnt/hdb3/usr/share/opera /ramdisk/usr/share
# copy the opera executable:
sudo cp -r /mnt/hdb3/usr/lib/opera/6.03-20020813.1/opera /ramdisk/usr/lib/opera/6.03-20020813.1/opera
echo "Opera has been copied to ramdisk."
# Unmount hdb3 now that we have the Opera files.
sleep 2
umount /mnt/hdb3
# run the opera executable after a little wait.
sleep 1   ## now the ramdisk directories should be ready for use.
echo "Running Opera 6.03:"  
# Using the modified opera wrapper script in /home/damnsmall/download to start opera.
/home/damnsmall/download/start_opera  ## the terminal will remain open while Opera runs.
# now that Opera has been closed, remove the ramdisk files and directories for Opera:
sleep 1
sudo rm -R /ramdisk/usr/*
sudo rmdir /ramdisk/usr
# once Opera is closed print this message:
echo "Opera is now closed, bye."
sleep 1

Here is the fluxbox menu item to run the script:
Code Sample

Debian MENU

[begin] (Menu)
[exec] (Mozilla Firefox) {/opt/firefox/firefox}
[exec] (Opera 6.03) {rxvt -rv -fb 10x20 -geometry 60x10+20+12 -cr yellow -T "Install_Opera" -e sudo /home/damnsmall/download/boot_opera.sh}
[exec] (Sylpheed Mail) {sylpheed}

Here is the part of the opera wrapper script, usually at /usr/bin/opera
that is modified to run Opera, and has been renamed to "start_opera" and saved in /home/damnsmall/download for this purpose.
Code Sample


# Location of the Opera binary
# Modified for RR of DSL Linux.

if test ! -f ${OPERA}; then
   echo "The Opera binary is not located at \"${OPERA}\"."
   echo "Please modify the wrapper script at \"${0}\"."
   exit 1
elif test ! -x ${OPERA}; then
   echo "You do not have execute rights on \"${OPERA}\", please ask the sysadmin to chmod +x it."
   exit 1

# Opera enviroment
if test "${OPERA_DIR}" = ''; then
 if test -d /ramdisk/usr/share/opera; then
   echo "OPERA_DIR unset and not found at expected location (/usr/share/opera)"
   exit 1

# Opera Plug-in enviroment, Add more plugin search paths here
# If OPERA_PLUGIN_PATH is set NPX_PLUGIN_PATH will be ignored

/ramdisk was added.
The rest of the opera wrapper script is left as it came in Opera 6.03.
The menu, and the two files are not available unless I restore my system
from the tarball I have in /dev/hda1. Since this is an unusual setup that only works on a machine with another partition with Linux installed, with
Opera installed, none of these files are remastered into the CD for Rapidweather Remaster of DSL Linux, (my version 0.2.9).  This remaster is based on DSL 0.6.2, and runs well on older computers.

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