adblock with 9.3?

Forum: Apps
Topic: adblock with 9.3?
started by: wetterau

Posted by wetterau on Feb. 21 2005,06:20
Has anyone been able to install firefox adblock extension with 9.3?
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Feb. 21 2005,14:56
Works fine for me! ^_^
Posted by wetterau on Feb. 21 2005,17:09
Thanks, Saidin. I must be screwing it up. Can't seem to install it. As long as I know it can be done, I'll find out how.
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Feb. 21 2005,17:40
you have to have DSL 0.9.3, because there was a bug in older versions.

you couldnt install firefox extensions.

I realise now, maybe you meant FF 0.9.3 ^_^

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