Could use some help building a captive portal

Forum: Apps
Topic: Could use some help building a captive portal
started by: wirelessguy

Posted by wirelessguy on Feb. 21 2005,22:22
Hi folks,

I'm currently running dsl in a VMware partition.
In fact, it's the smallest dist I've been able to find that sitll has ftp so that I can get files onto it.

Anyhow I was wondering if folks have installed Apache and/or NoCat auth on dsl?

My linux is a bit rusty.
looks like /usr/local is a read only share.
I tried running chmod but couldn't figure out how to open it up.

I was able to unpack both in /ramdisk/home/dsl/

I haven't been able to successfully compile either though.
If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it.

- W

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